Written on December 14, 2016
First time spending time in Galena in the Winter! Galena embodies the timelessness of Midwestern Americana In somewhat of a departure from my usual bouts of intense outdoor adventures, we decided to take a pleasant weekend in Galena for the holidays. We’ve been several times during the summer months and spend nearly the entire vacation...
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Written on October 31, 2016
Hiking one of the best kept secrets of Illinois I suppose those years of living in New England really honed my taste for fall hikes. When I left, I though I was leaving all those glorious colors behind. Sure, I knew that New England is not the only place with deciduous trees but I figured...
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Written on August 14, 2016
Winston Tunnel in Northwestern Illinois is a rail-turned-hiking trail that has some resemblence to the more famous “Tunnel of Love” in Ukraine. Nature quickly reclaimed these abandoned railroad tracks Galena easily makes the list of the most beautiful places in Illinois and the Midwest. We’ve always been drawn to its rural c...
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Written on July 13, 2016
Note: This is a hike on private land that grants public access ONLY on certain weekends per year. Though not the only highpoint on private land, this is the only high point that literally involves walking near the landowner’s home. PLEASE respect the landowner’s graciousness in allowing hikers to travel to this spot during the...
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Written on December 31, 2015
Some unforeseen but welcome aspects of mid-twenties life in Chicago. Home It was a bit of a culture shock to move from Southern Maine to downtown Chicago. Just about everything other than the weather is different. I confess I had more fears than anything moving to the largest city in the Midwest. Maine had been a place...
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