Day: 8
Miles: 1,600ish
Location: Denver, Colorodo

I spent a wonderful Easter with my Aunt, Uncle and Grandmother out in Denver, which was downright sensational. I enjoyed such luxuries as a shower (1st in 8 days!), a bed (no hail!), warm food (NOT Mac n' Cheese), and most importantly, good company! Easter brunch was delectable and I tried not to scarf down a cheese and meat omelet, ham, potatoes and all sorts of deserts. My grandmother seemed a little worried about me and gave me money for food for the rest of the trip! Thanks Grandma! I even got some hiking in with my Aunt and her adorable dogs!

The place we walked was nearby Columbine High School. For those who were not in the United States in 1999, it was the site of the worst high school shooting our country's history. We payed our respects to the somber yet beautiful memorial nearby the school. Although the event was a tragedy, the memorial was focused on remembering the lives of those who were killed. The memorial was purposefully designed to evoke both a great sense of loss but also a great sense healing and rebirth. It was a deeply emotional and spiritually touching place.

Later that night I made my way out to Boulder, Colorado to catch up with some old friends from my work on Catalina Island! I'm visiting many old friends and comrades along this journey which is making this trip absolutely amazing!